"00", "Special Object (refer to the four byte, object 00 document)" "02", "Left Corner of Normal Ground" "03", "Right Corner of Normal Ground" "0A", "Right-facing wall of normal ground" "0B", "Left-facing wall of normal ground" "0C", "Poundable Log" "0D", "Skinny Horizontal Platfrom (usually sticking from a wall)" "0E", "Looks to be a unfunctoning lift.." "0F", "Same as self faceing right (double-you-tee-eff, Iggy?)" "13", "Looks to be a background item Edges apper above sprites.." "15", "Cloud platform" "1A", "Platform, wrong graphicset" "1B", "Vertical pole" "1C", "I beem" "1D", "Background item, long horiz. bar or similar" "1E", "Another background item" "22", "Flower G. Style hill.. <" "23", "Flower G. Style hill .. >" "25", "Mud Ground" "26", "Mud Ground" "2B", "Stampable log (mud tileset version)" "2C", "Bottomless Jungle Stone with Grass, 2 blocks wide" "2D", "Grass on mud with vine going down the side" "2E", "Grass on mud with Vine going down the side, Right side hanging" "2F", "Small Tree, solid top" "30", "Vine" "31", "Vine" "34", "Catails and Grass" "36", "Tree Vine" "37", "red line bridge" "3C", "Working Down pipe" "3D", "Object you can't land on" "3E", "Vertical Object, pass through.." "3F", "Vertical Object, safe on top, death on sides.." "40", "Similar to 3F" "41", "Horizontal Platform, used in Baby Bowser's Room (the pounding part) and various castles" "42", "Vert. Decrotive item" "43", "Striped object in castles, required for sprite 05 and 06 (if sprite 05 and 06 are on an odd Y axis)" "49", "Castle Wall Window" "4A", "Vert. Decrotive object" "4B", "Big ground object" "4C", "Checker Platform used for a non boss Salvo the Slime" "4D", "Same as 4C but longer and can't be used for salvo" "50", "Vertical Train Tracks" "51", "Horizontal Train Tracks" "53", "Castle background Platform" "57", "Platform with crosssection background" "63", "Horz. Wooden Platform (no defects)" "64", "Same as 64 (maybe)" "65", "Wooden Log Platform" "6A", "Messed up GFX horz. platform" "6D", "Spike Log" "6F", "Vertical BG item (weird)" "70", "Plants" "71", "Ground with Flowers" "72", "Flower on underground" "73", "Tree, Left, Right, and Middle with leaf" "74", "Tree, Left and Right side with Leaf" "75", "Tree, Left side with Leaf" "76", "Tree, Right side with Leaf" "77", "Middle Leaf" "78", "Slanted Tree" "79", "Down-right red stairs" "7C", "Funky BG item" "7D", "Crossection normal ground platform (top)" "7E", "Crossection platform" "80", "Similar to 7C" "81", "80, diagonal the other way" "83", "Green Red coins that make weird noises" "84", "Same as 83, but not horizontal. Goes down-right" "8C", "Thing seen in castles where they use the ghost guys" "8D", "Weird vertical BG item" "8E", "Like....giant donut lifts (probably requires a different enemy gfx set)" "91", "T shaped BG item" "92", "Same as 91, but flipped" "93", "Tree" "99", "Similar to 91 but different GFX and it's solid (not BG)" "9A", "???" "9B", "Swirly Plant" "9C", "Swirly Plant" "9E", "Wierd donut lifts (bad GFX when falling)" "9F", "Raven platform" "A5", "Pipe" "A6", "Side Pipe" "A9", "Makes object disappear" "AA", "Pipe Wall (left side)" "AB", "Pipe Wall (right side)" "AC", "Pipe Ceiling" "AD", "Pipe Floor" "AE", "Pipe shadowed BG (left side)" "AF", "Pipe shadowed BG (ceiling)" "B1", "Normal horz. platform" "B2", "Down-left diagonal ceiling" "BA", "PIpe Ceiling" "BC", "Top Right Corner of Pipe" "BD", "Ditto but left" "BE", "Sewer Spout" "BF", "Water of Sewer Spout" "C0", "Top of sewer water (no effect on yoshi, moves left)" "C1", "Ditto but right" "C2", "Top left Corner of sewer water" "C3", "Ditto but right" "C4", "Coin" "CE", "Diagonal down left line guide (if length < 80, its down right, if its > 80, its down left)" "D1", "Vertical Line Guide" "D2", "Horizontal Line Guide" "D4", "Stone Pipe Wall" "D5", "Ditto but right" "D8", "Big Log Platform" "D9", "Log Platform" "DF", "Puddles of Lava in Caves" "E0", "DF's Lava Flowing Downward" "E2", "Snowcapped Platform support" "FD", "Leaf" "C5", " Vertical coins" "C6", " Diagonal downright coins" "C7", " Switch coins, horizontal" "C8", " Vertical switch coins" "C9", " Diagonal coins" "F4", " Unusable Pipe!"